What we do

The Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce is one of the most active business communities on the grid. We may be a mid-sized chamber of commerce, but when it comes to connecting people, we do it well; tailored and personalized to support your business needs. Come discover what we can do for you.

Become a member, join our community, discover synergies, and reap the benefits of our extensive network.

What we do

Gain access to Market Information, Economic Outlook and Listings of Potential Partners

Access to advisory parties i.e. advisory firms, banks, lawyers who can help
set up your business(es)

Connect to the industry i.e. linking you to peer companies in the respective industries

Smart visa facilitation for international talents

Starting your business in Thailand

The NTCC, being the central node of information between members, the private sector, the government, and relevant institutions, we can support you in kick-starting your business(es) in Thailand. We are here to direct you to the right sources for market information, economic outlook, and potential partners. For those looking to set up a company in Thailand, we’re more than happy to connect you with reliable local partners from advisory firms, banks, lawyers to get you started. Being part of the NTCC community channels direct links to the industry. You can join our active sector groups linking you to peer companies within your respective industries.

Via our connection with the Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), we have also started supporting tech entrepreneurs on the Smart Visa Facilitation who wish to start innovative businesses in Thailand.

Read more about the Smart Visa here >

Starting your business in the Netherlands

Teaming up with the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), we support Thai companies with their investment plans in the Netherlands. You’d be surprised with how many agrofood, automotive, (bio)chemical Thai multinationals and SMEs who are already running successful activities in the Netherlands and Europe!

Please feel free to reach out to the NFIA representatives based in Southeast Asia in case you have any questions on landing facilities in the Netherlands; be it fact-finding trips, incorporation, market information, logistics inquiries, to say the least.


For more information visit: www.investinholland.com

Going the extra Mile

Personalized referrals
We go the extra mile – let us know to whom among the members you’d like to get introduced to and we will make it happen!

More referrals to external network
i.e. ministries, non-members, research institutes, etc.

Going the extra Mile

The NTCC has the advantage of being a mid-size and active community where members know each other well. Members or outsiders can easily contact the Executive team in case they need business introductions whereby referrals are made personally; we basically go the extra mile for you.

Over the years, the community has extended itself to connect with key international and local organizations. We are able to support you with specific business requests also via this vast network; be it connecting you with research institutes, sector-specific trade associations, international chambers, or governmental bodies. If you have bold ideas or a business plan that needs a head-start, we encourage you to engage and share them; via this network of partners and flow of information going through the chamber everyday, we will do our best to help you.

Our Network

Trade Associations
Government Institutions/Agencies
International Chambers
Universities/Research Institutions
Other Partners

Marketing Exposure

Spread the words about your organization via our Public Relations channels. 

Communicate to the network

This community is a vibrant one. One that communicates constantly with one another. Everyday, there are investment happenings, new brand launches, exclusive deals and services, to trade updates that we communicate to members, vice-versa, and among themselves. You can Advertise in our quarterly published magazine (‘Commerce’); Share your updates to the network via our Bi-Monthly online Newsletter (‘NTCC NEXT’), or simply spread the word through an Email Broadcast to everyone in the NTCC network.

Through countless channels, members can spread news across the network.

Broadcast your email message to 3000+ people

NEXT - Online Newsletter (3000+ reach)

Website – NTCC Blog “News” section

Commerce Magazine - Quarterly Magazine

Social Media (2000+ Followers)

Contact us now to brainstorm on exposure!

Advocacy Platforms

Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce (JFCCT)

European Association of Business & Commerce (EABC)

Direct link to Ministers

We voice out issues on behalf of the international business community

There are various channels where the foreign business community and our members can voice issues to the Thai government. The NTCC mediates among these channels making sure that your voices are heard; be it work permit issues, to sector-specific regulations.

Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce (JFCCT)

There are some 30 foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand, the majority of which forms the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce (JFCCT). The Presidents of the Foreign Chambers meet monthly to discuss issues that are of interest to foreign investors. These issues are then raised through to the Thai government so that solutions can be found. The NTCC is particularly focused on trade- and tourism- related issues within these JFCCT working groups which are both represented by Dutch representatives.

European Association for Business & Commerce (EABC)

The NTCC participates in the European Association of Business & Commerce (EABC), set up with the support of the European Union. The EABC intends to contribute to improve the European trade and investment environment in Thailand and to increase European exports and investment in Thailand. More specifically, the EABC is set up to facilitate market access for European companies in Thailand and to promote Thailand and ASEAN as high potential markets for European companies.

Feel free to contact our reps, for any issues you’d like to raise.

Human Resource Facility

Online Job Board. Advertise your company’s vacancy

Internship Placements – Search for interns via our networks in Thailand and in the Netherlands

Holland Career Day – Connects member companies with Thai graduates who studied in the Netherlands

Looking for people? Or on a job hunt?

Let us help spread words about your vacancy and/or your profile.
To post a vacancy or your CV, please contact [email protected]

Check out our Job board: www.ntccthailand.org/jobs

For member companies looking for interns, we are always on the lookout to connect with top universities in Thailand and the Netherlands.

Every year, together with member companies, Nuffic Neso, the education wing of the Dutch government, the NTCC organizes the Holland Career Day which connects member companies with top Thai and international graduates and professionals who graduated in the Netherlands and beyond. If you’re interested in being part of the career festivities, reach out to [email protected]