Brand Storytelling for Businesses in Thailand Webinar by the Lexicon

NTCC Industry 4.0 Series Webinar: Predictive Simulation and Digital Twin was successfully organised on August 21, 2020. This sharing session emphasised on how leading companies are using this core technology of the Industry 4.0 revolution to gain new foresight that has previously not been available to decision-makers.

Impacts on Cashflow & Business Valuation Webinar

NTCC webinar, in close cooperation with Mazars (Thailand) Ltd., “Impacts on Cashflow & Business Valuation” was successfully organized on July 23, 2020.  Our respected speaker, Mr. Prasen Chakraborty, Head of Financial Advisory Services from Mazars (Thailand) Ltd. has shared some insightful information on cashflow and business valuation during    COVID-19. For those would like to review […]