Tuesday, 10 November 2020, NTCC in collaboration with Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA), and Park Hyatt Bangkok, the hotel partnered, successfully organised the “Best Practices & Return on Investment: champion the future horticulture, fresh demand and climate change” hybrid seminar.

The guests were welcomed at “The Apartment”, Level 9, Park Hyatt Bangkok. The seminar started with the opening from Mr Chatchai Khunpitiluck, Senior Executive Vice President/COO of DEPA and Mr Willem Schoustra, Agricultural Counsellor of Vietnam & Thailand, Royal Netherlands Embassy.

Later, we have live sessions from 6 honourable guest speakers: Mr Panyawat Chattanrassamee, Manager – Innovation for Business from Mitr Phol Group, Mr Bram Koppert, VP Strategy and Commerce Asia of PRIVA Growing Solutions, Ms Liselotte de Vries, Business Developer of TU Delft AgTech Institute Mr Justin Schoemaker, Vice President & Business Development of Infinite Acres, Rick Passenier of Special Envoy at Holland Circular Hotspot, and Mr Jeroen Haver, International Business Manager of NLinBusiness.

The afternoon ends with questions moderated by Mr Manuel Madani, Vice-President of NTCC.

We would like to thanks DEPA and all honourable guest speakers for sharing insights in the future horticulture.

For those who missed the seminar, below is the video recording.

Video Recording

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